Once you know your authentic identity, you are FREE TO BE who God created you to be!
Once you know your authentic identity, you are FREE TO BE who God created you to be!
Thom and Penny have been ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ together since the mid-1980’s. They have been privileged to share the fullness of this wonderful Gospel in a variety of capacities: as pastors, as preachers, and as teachers; in a variety of countries: in Great Britain, Austria, Germany, Mexico, Canada, Haiti and all across the United States,South Africa, and most recently, Zimbabwe. Their greatest passion is to help people awaken to the reality of God’s true nature as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and the reality of their own identity as the beloved children of God, created in His likeness and image, chosen and included in Christ from before the foundation of the world. They are also keenly passionate about equipping the Body of Christ to experience and enjoy happy, healthy, and meaningful relationships which they do through individual counseling, marriage conferences, and relationship seminars.
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